2018年8月30日 星期四

See a dentist

I went to see a dentist this morning. This is my second time to see a dentist in Munich. Last time the dentist didn't do anything and just check my teeth. I arrived the counter around 8:00 AM and tried to make an appointment immediately.

Gestern habe ich einen Notfall. My Zahn war gebrochen. Ich habe Zahnschmerzen.
Kann ich haben einen Termin heute oder jetzt?

Dann habe ich einen Formular ausgefüllt.

Wie lange?
Sie sieht ein wenig unglücklich über meine Frage aus und hat mich gebeten zu warten, bis sie mich angerufen hat.

I waited no more than 10 minutes. The doctor first asked me in Germans, Haven Sie immer schmerzen oder wenn Eseen? Ich antwortet, Machmal.

Then she checked my teeth and said sevral of my teeth need to be amended.
We switched to speak English because I can't understand what she is talking about.
She planned to fill 3 teeth today but I decided just to fill the broken one.

The whole cure process took at least 30 minutes. She filled the tooth I broke yesterday.

I thought my insurance would pay for my bill. However, it costs additionally 75 Eur for the fillings.

Although she is a nice dentist, I felt not very comfortable all day long.

